Retro-fit Kit for A-100N pump shipped prior to Sept 1 2015. This kit allows new style A-100N tube assembly to retro-fit into older style pump head. Ships with qty 1 Clear Cover (71000-156) and qty 1 Adhesive Spacer Pad (90012-399). Place adhesive pad onto the inlet and outlet side of the pump head. The pad helps to secure new style tubes (model A1-1T, A1-2T, A1-3T, A1-4T, A1-5T, A1-6T, A1-7T and A1-8T) in the pump head. Kit ships with further instructions.
[av_button_big label=’Retro-Fit Kit Instructions (PDF)’ description_pos=’below’ link=’manually,https://blue-white.com/?wpdmdl=48167′ link_target=” icon_select=’yes-right-icon’ icon=’ue82d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ color=’grey’ custom_bg=’#444444′ color_hover=’blue’ custom_bg_hover=’#444444′ av_uid=’av-rorss4′]
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